For whatever happens in life, remember...there is always, always a lesson behind everything we go through. Heads up!!
Diana Diana Diana!
Roger & Kelly
Remember these shoes?
Lets call "him" Roger. Now Roger, has found himself a new girlfriend! Yayyy!!
Meet Kelly...
Roger and Kelly in sweet hehehhe...they both went to the same college, Wondershoe ;p
Lets call "him" Roger. Now Roger, has found himself a new girlfriend! Yayyy!!
Meet Kelly...
Roger and Kelly in sweet hehehhe...they both went to the same college, Wondershoe ;p
Yogurt Day, Sushi Night
One way to really wake up on a sunny saturday
So I woke up in the morning cuz my mom was watching this show on TVone and I heard some talks about ankle boots going on....errr....ankle boots? Wake up, Diana!!! :D Being both excited and half asleep, I quietly watched as the presenter discussed about how to clean your shoes etc, just until she showed some examples of how to wear your ankle boots by showing pictures of...MOI?? Pictures from MY BLOG? WTF?
YAZICIOGLU'nun kendi sesinden siirini dinlemek isteyenleri buyrun Rahmetle andığımız Muhsin Yazıcıoğlunun Hayatından kesitler alan şiiri Usuyorum... Peki Muhsin Yazıcı oğlu Kimdir Derseniz Büyük Birlik Partisi Genel Başkanı Muhsin yazıcı oğlu Büyük Türk Dünyasının Ender yetiştirdiği Şahsiyetlerden birisi idi. Sivas Millet vekilliği yapmıştır. Muhsin Yazıcı oğlu Seni Seviyoruz. Rabbimden Duamız Seni Korumasıdır.
Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu Muhsun Fotorafları, Yazicioglu Resimleri
Quote of the Day
"To some point, I now believe that one can never achieve everything. Maybe you can, and if you can, then consider yourself lucky. If you can't, you're very lucky."
- Diana Rikasari -
Featured: Tongue in Chic
Click here to see it!
Personality Test: Which One Are You?
Lets say, you accompany your friend to get herself some new clothes. She picks up a red dress, something, really really odd and off. And she asks you, "hey, does this look nice on me?". What would you reply?
a) "Hhhmm...I don't really like it. I just think red doesn't suit you. But then again, that's just my opinion."
b) "TRASH! That's such a SHITTY dress! GTH!!"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
If you answered (a), then you must be an educated and well-mannered person who knows how to speak up your thoughts but at the same time still respect and acknowledge that everybody has their own different taste.
If you answered (b), then you must be one of those who like to visit other people's blog and leave comments by appearing anonymous or with random false names and links so that nobody knows how pathetic you are in real life.
Have a nice Saturday, everyone!! Shimmer and shine! :)
a) "Hhhmm...I don't really like it. I just think red doesn't suit you. But then again, that's just my opinion."
b) "TRASH! That's such a SHITTY dress! GTH!!"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
If you answered (a), then you must be an educated and well-mannered person who knows how to speak up your thoughts but at the same time still respect and acknowledge that everybody has their own different taste.
If you answered (b), then you must be one of those who like to visit other people's blog and leave comments by appearing anonymous or with random false names and links so that nobody knows how pathetic you are in real life.
Have a nice Saturday, everyone!! Shimmer and shine! :)
Featured: Capricho
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
How would you describe your style?
I'm pretty much a playful person, so that is also reflected in my style. I like to experiment on a wee bit of this and that, so I have no particular red line on the way I dress except the high frequency of me sporting TIGHTS.
What/Who inspires your wardrobe and why?
People on the road, fashion bloggers, music videos, my boyfriend. Randomness is my biggest inspiration though.
What clothing item/accessory are you regularly wearing now?
Tights, mini skirts, blazers, killer heels.
What clothing item would you say is timeless?
A black blazer. Timeless and versatile.
What do you believe is the secret to become a stylish girl?
Be confident and be true to yourself. Never wear something just because everyone is. Learn your body type and figure out which type of clothes work. From there, just have fun! :D
Cage skirt alert!
Finally!! If any of you guys remember, I actually planned to make this skirt in September 2008. But then I got busy, got busier, got even busier, yada yada. A plan for a D-I-Y thus was never possible.
And so finally, I decided to put aside my ego of having to make this on my own, and got it tailor-made instead heheheh. And oh, the initial plan was to make it in pink, but black felt more versatile.
Zara t-shirt, Jeleprutt skirt, Diva necklace, Nine West sandals
And so finally, I decided to put aside my ego of having to make this on my own, and got it tailor-made instead heheheh. And oh, the initial plan was to make it in pink, but black felt more versatile.

Gonna Watch "Burn After Reading"
And again, the wheel of life spins and I'm in that stage of boredom again. I've been trying to redefine my reason of being asking myself, "what am I actually doing?". Watched Slumdog Millionaire, cried. Watched a video on Nick Juvicic, cried.
As much as I love clothes, and as much as they are able to boost your energy and uplift your mood at times, clothes only wrap the outer me, you, all of us. The inner soul is fed by understanding ourselves to the fullest, being grateful for it, so that we feel complete. And we serve other people, we should. Make other people happy. Help people around. Greet strangers. Talk to waiters and ask, "how's your day?". Really, focusing ourselves on just OUR life would never benefit you, in any way.
Did I just scare you?
Oh please smile. I'm bringing you some pink :)
As much as I love clothes, and as much as they are able to boost your energy and uplift your mood at times, clothes only wrap the outer me, you, all of us. The inner soul is fed by understanding ourselves to the fullest, being grateful for it, so that we feel complete. And we serve other people, we should. Make other people happy. Help people around. Greet strangers. Talk to waiters and ask, "how's your day?". Really, focusing ourselves on just OUR life would never benefit you, in any way.
Did I just scare you?
Oh please smile. I'm bringing you some pink :)
Who was...who was the boss.
My boss gave me a gift! Oh my oh my oh my...she's so niceeeeeee! :)
Pictures to follow :D
Pictures to follow :D
If Only
Marc Jacob's tribute to New York artist Stephen Sprouse...
Metallic velco straps, glowing green rubber sole, pink graffiti, HOT!
$980, NOT HOT!
Metallic velco straps, glowing green rubber sole, pink graffiti, HOT!
$980, NOT HOT!
Sarimsak ile Zayıflama Cayi Angelina Jolie cayi
Angelina Jolie Sarımsak Çayı Tarifini alırsanız inanıyorumki istediğiniz vücut ölcülerine kavişacaksınız. bitkisel çaylar içinde değişik bir çay olan Sarımsak Çayı Tarifi ile narin bir ölcüye kavuşmanız sağlanacaktır. demlemesi kolay olan Sarımsak Çayı ile Zayıflama yöntemini umarım siz kilolu ve şişman bayanlarıntercihi olacaktır.
Ünlü diyetisyenlerin de tavsiyesi olan angelina jolie çayı fazla acı olmayan ve güzel kokulu bir diyet çay türleri ndendir. diyet çaylardan. Angelina Jolie Sarımsak Çayı Tarifi aşağıda siz değerli ziyaretcilerime vereceğim. Sarımsak çayı olarak da bilinenve bu sarımsak çayı ile zayıflama yöntemi olan sarımsak çayı tarifini buyrun yapalım.
Mucize Diyet Çaylarından Sarımsak çayının tarifi:
Öncelikle bir Parça taze zencefili soyun, 2 fincan suyla kaynatarak. 7 dk kaynadıktan sonra içine 2 diş iyice ezilmiş sarımsak ve 2 çay kaşığı karakovan balı ve 2 çay kaşığı limon suyu sıkarak ekleyin, Bolca karıştırınız. Çayın soğumasını sağlamak için bekledikten sonra süzün ve afiyetle içiniz. Tavsiyemiz soğuk içmenizdir. Hayırlı Diyetler Dilerim.
I love New Zealand ice cream...
and I had 2 scoops today! Chocolate fudge brownie and Boysenberry... yummmmmm :)
On The Fashion World
A lot of people have been asking me the same questions over and over again, so I might as well do an individual post to clarify things once again.
- I’m Diana, currently 24, and I work as a market researcher and consultant. And no, I don’t wear quirky outfits to work otherwise my clients would run away...;p
- I’m still that Diana, still 24, but I also work as a freelance graphic designer and (recently) as a fashion stylist. I take such jobs only when they are possible to be done after office-hours or on weekends.
- To the extent that I find fashion and art irresistible, I also love ‘marketing’ very much. It’s funny that I am NOT a subscriber of any fashion (and or art-related) magazines. Trust me, I do not own even one copy of Vogue, Teen Vogue, Elle, Nylon and the like (hence my lack of knowledge on designer names or current fashion events :D). I actually am a regular reader of Business Week and Time as I enjoy analyzing current market trends and figuring out how the future of business will be like. The only source I get my fashion knowledge from would probably be, well, your blogs...:)
- Given the above, fashion for me is very much a hobby that I enjoy freely without worrying on having to know the current trend or current ‘it’ designers. I buy and wear anything that I like, and I experiment with my clothes just for the sake of having fun...:)
Quote of the Day
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
- Marianne Williamson
A very, very beautiful, solid quote. We should have big dreams, and having them doesn’t make us a dreamer. It makes us; human.
Hint: Cute.
Wrapped up my newest fashion spread for Go Girl! magazine today... watch out for some awesomeness in April!! :D
1. I'll be contributing again for Go Girl! April 2009 edition...another fashion spread!! Woohoooooo!!!

4. Got to see the coolest photography exhibition I have ever seen in my entire life at Senayan City, held by Esquire (magazine).

5. Sharjeel is in Shanghai! Sweet...:)
Jaspal sweater, Ugly Duckling Closet skirt, various pins, Topshop tights, Balenciaga bag, Wondershoe flats
2. Met up with Heidi from Fashion Maverick, Go Girl!'s Fashion Editor Assistant.
3. My favorite tights got ripped while I was in the toilet...:'(

4. Got to see the coolest photography exhibition I have ever seen in my entire life at Senayan City, held by Esquire (magazine).

5. Sharjeel is in Shanghai! Sweet...:)

And the experiments continue...
Spot on, Fortune Cookie!!
The Pink Pinks
Being a part of "the competition", today I met up with Tika Putri, also a judge and most importantly, the Queen Bee Hunt ambassador!! She's A.W.E.S.O.M.E. :)

She has a blog as well, ya know? Check her out here!

She has a blog as well, ya know? Check her out here!
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