“Oh my God!!” Those were the first words that came out from my lips as soon as I
saw a twosome of this black leather-like jacket and pants in
Mango. I actually don’t know how to name the material…it’s sort of like rubber, plastic, shiny, whatever…it’s the ones rockers wear when they perform on stage! Huehehhehe….I checked my wallet…sigh…not enough money huhuhu..so it was either one of em that I can buy…and yeah oh yeah..they were the last pair…mamaaaaaaaaa…..
I was doing the shopping with Hans, one of my best friends from Jakarta….I kept on questioning him on which I shud buy…he kept on insisting me to buy both…bah!! No money Haaannss…don’t cha get it??? Well, I then asked him on which looks better…the pants, or the jacket….
I tried on the pants….and he said..”Oh my God…you look like…I dunno…”…okay, that was an unhelpful answer….so I then tried the jacket on…”Muahahhaha…you look like those bikers…not the good ones though…the tukang ojek ones….” (those who don’t know what tukang ojek is…well, too bad, not gonna tell ya! ;p)
Grrr…..okay I got that..they suck on me…but he said that he was just joking..they looked good…extreme but….good….I kept on looking at myself on the mirror…haaa..which one should I buy…well I can actually run to the nearest ATM and take some money out to buy both of them…but the shadows of the evil Sharjeel kept on haunting me saying “Noooooooo shooopppppiiiingggggggg!” huehehhehehhe… okay Sharjeel, I heard that hihihihi….
Since I was taking soooo long in the shop…even the security guard helped me…she was a lady…and she said “You look pretty in the jacket”….hihihi… thank you Madam…that was very nice of you….
Well, thanks to the lady guard….I made the decision….it was the jacket!!! Yeehaaa!!
Here I am wearing it on….maybe I do look like one of those bikers…but hell yeah…I don’t care!! I’m a rock star!!! Hehhehehehhehe……