Okay...I've been kinda (well, very) tired of working on my dissertation...as usual, at times like these, the best thing to do is to revitalize myself by shopping...hehheheh.... tomorrow I'm planning to go to MidValley with Intan, Kiki and Steffi...so before I go, at least i can do some window-shopping on the internet first...;p it's call... "preparation" hehehhe....
Below are my new random picks...

Dotti, i really like the floral sling bag and denim flats...but sigh....they aren't available here in Malaysia...

Same goes to
American Apparel...wish I had someone there in US who can get me their stuffs..i love their colorful leggings..and the tight skirts...reminds me of Ashley's...and i also like the geeky glasses...heheheh...

These shoes are some from
Gap, some from
Piperlime which is (I think) in line with
Gap....ooohhh I love love love those men-like shoes....haaaa where to get those here in KL...oh yeah, I also want the plain black suede flats...simple, yet a killer...hehhehe.....

Lastly, my favorite shop..
Topshop...I think I will definitely go for the necklace and sequin hat....
A MUST!! heheh..hope I can find it tomorrow....:)